Supercharge your playing by supercharging your scales! The ability to vary dynamics, and play with different dynamic levels in each hand is a vital and necessary skill to master, so this tutorial outlines lots of practical tips and ideas for how to incorporate loud and soft playing into your scale practice.
0:25 Importance of dynamic variation in conveying the emotion intent of the music
1:05 Introduction to the upcoming exercises
1:25 Reference to the downloadable resource pages
1:35 Crescendo and diminuendo in both hands – soft to loud, and loud to soft
2:18 Introduction to differentiating volume in each hand
3:11 Right hand louder than left hand
3:25 Left hand louder than right hand
3:45 Tip: play scales 2 octaves apart to clearly hear dynamic contrast in each hand
4:09 Swap dynamic levels in each hand on way down in scale
4:39 Swap dynamic levels in each hand at start of every octave in the scale
5:15 The most difficult exercise! – combining different dynamic levels in each hand with a change in dynamic levels in each hand
6:25 Concluding Summary