Learn how to play an E Melodic Minor scale. I take you through one octave, each hand separately and then together, and then we progress onto two octaves, separate hands first, followed by both hands together.0:26 Introducing the Key Signature, raising the 6th and 7th notes by a semitone on ...
Learn how to play an E Harmonic Minor scale. I take you through one octave, each hand separately and then together, and then we progress onto two octaves, separate hands first, followed by both hands together.0:25 Introducing the Key Signature and raised 7th note1:22 Right Hand 1 Octave1:47 Left Hand ...
Get the fundamentals right and learn how to sit correctly at the piano to avoid unnecessary pain and discomfort when you’re playing.My tutorial covers the important aspects involved in sitting correctly at the piano, including determining how close or far away your stool should be, the positioning of your arms ...
Are you uncomfortable when you play? Do you always experience annoying niggles, strain and discomfort while you’re practising? Can you feel yourself tensing up and moving poorly around the keyboard? Chances are, a big contributing factor will be the fact that your piano stool is the wrong height!I’ve got lots ...
Do you come away from the piano with a sore neck or back after practising? Are you uncomfortable while you’re playing? Do you get fatigued way more quickly than you think you should? If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these, a possible cause may be that your music is ...
Supercharge your playing by supercharging your scales! The ability to vary dynamics, and play with different dynamic levels in each hand is a vital and necessary skill to master, so this tutorial outlines lots of practical tips and ideas for how to incorporate loud and soft playing into your scale ...
Learn how to play a D Melodic Minor scale. I take you through one octave, each hand separately and then together, and then we progress onto two octaves, separate hands first, followed by both hands together.0:27 Introducing the Key Signature, raising the 6th and 7th notes by a semitone on ...
Learn how to play a D Harmonic Minor scale. I take you through one octave, each hand separately and then together, and then we progress onto two octaves, separate hands first, followed by both hands together.0:25 Introducing the Key Signature and raised 7th note1:06 Right Hand 1 Octave1:36 Left Hand ...
Can’t get your head around playing quavers in one hand and triplets in the other? Can’t seem to co-ordinate your hands and don’t understand how the rhythm and the notes fit together? Need help? Look no further! With the assistance of a couple of ‘frogs’ – you’ll be successfully playing ...
Learn how to play an A Melodic Minor scale. I take you through one octave, each hand separately and then together, and then we progress onto two octaves, separate hands first, followed by both hands together.0:55 Introducing the Key Signature, raising the 6th and 7th notes by a semitone on ...
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